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An irrational fear of deer.

My friend Thomas suffers from severe bambophobia. Poor guy gets clammy and breaks into a nervous sweat when he looks at the 10-point buck I have mounted on my wall.

by Stephenie Meyer is a fail December 18, 2008


Commonly inferred as a metrosexual (or, in some cases, sexually confused) vampire, the term is more popularly linked to Edward Cullen from the Twilight Series. Meaning, glampires are inherently gay and drive stakes through their asses.

Blade: What the fuck, vampires aren't supposed to SPARKLE!

Edward: Oh no honey, I'm a glampire. I rock the glitter and it's FABULOUS. I don't bite my victims, but I do recommend tasteful color schemes for their homes, as well as feng shui tips.

by Stephenie Meyer is a fail April 7, 2009

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