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a fantasy prone adult of either sex with a penchant for drama, role playing, fantasy literature and "occultism" who, much to the amusement of onlookers, combines all of the above into a delusional world-view in which he or she plays a starring role.
The origins of the word "weeble" are obscure, but most likely have something to do with the similarity in body shape between these people and the children's toy of the same name.

1) Have you ever noticed how the fatter and uglier a weeble is, the more powerful he claims to be on the 'astral plane'?
2) Did you hear about that weeble who shot himself after his 'Dungeons and Dragons' character died?
3) Vampires are supposed to be skinny, but that gothic weeble at the club with those fake fangs had so much fat hanging off of her that I thought she was smuggling hams under her shirt.

by Steve Bricault November 9, 2007

17👍 22👎


a fantasy prone adult of either sex with a penchant for drama, role playing, fantasy literature and "occultism" who, much to the amusement of onlookers, combines all of the above into a delusional world-view in which he or she plays a starring role.
The origins of the word "weeble" are obscure, but most likely have something to do with the similarity in body shape between these people and the children's toy of the same name.

1) Have you ever noticed how the fatter and uglier a weeble is, the more powerful he claims to be on the 'astral plane'?
2) Did you hear about that weeble who shot himself after his 'Dungeons and Dragons' character died?
3) Vampires are supposed to be skinny, but that gothic weeble at the club with those fake fangs had so much fat hanging off of her that I thought she was smuggling hams under her shirt.

by Steve Bricault October 8, 2007

7👍 15👎


An adult male of middle or upper class background who, having been pampered as a child, lacks emotional maturity, depth of character and the basic level of empathy needed to avoid the frequent displays of parasitic and otherwise disruptive behavior for which he is well know.
The word "nuood" itself is a corruption of the more well-known "dude", the former and latter both being used as a term of endearment or as an expletive by such people who exemplify the above definition.

1) "C'mon nuood"
2) "Nuood, that bitch wants me"
3) "Most towns have to close and lock the gates of their cemetaries at night or nuoods will sneak in and knock over the gravestones"
4) "He dresses like a skater but can't actually skate, as skating requires discipline and he is just a nuood"

by Steve Bricault November 9, 2007

8👍 1👎

snowy owl

any deception perpetrated in an online chatroom or over an instant messenger with the aim of falsely convincing the target audience that the deceiver is physically attractive, mentally astute or spiritually gifted.
A snowy owl is usually carried out by means of bluff, bald-faced lie or, in the case of physical deception, photoshop.
The origin of the term "snowy owl" is rather complex. In brief, "owl" is used here as a somewhat archaic synonym for "coin", whereas "snowy" alludes to the weather conditions one has to deal with during a blizzard, specifically the poor range of visibility one has to endure while driving. "Snowy owl" thus indicates a counterfeit, a coin (individual) of uncertain or dubious value.

1) When that girl first emailed me her photo I thought she was hot! I only realized I'd been sent a snowy owl when I noticed the hideous old woman's head photoshopped onto the much younger woman's body.
2) I paid five dollars for this online psychic reading, but ended up getting a snowy owl. That so-called "psychic" didn't know what the hell she was doing!
3) I meant some supposed "medium" in a occult chatroom left night, but it's pretty obvious to me that the only spirit she can channel is a snowy owl spirit.

by Steve Bricault October 8, 2007

6👍 4👎