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"skater" or "skateboarder"

A person who is foot mounted on a board of some type with zero-four wheels. Usually without any motor. (Manually propelled vehicle.) Skateboarders usually do not have a single fashion, and their clothing style is borrowed from other sub-cultures. (i.e. Punk-Skaters, Prep-Skaters, Homie-Skaters, etc.) Skateboarding has been derived from the "surfer", "stoner," "metal-head" and "punk" sub-cultures. (Actually, Skateboarding was born through the surfing sub-culture. When the surfers couldn't surf, they created the first skateboards which consisted of a couple 2x4's nailed together, a milk crate and some clay wheels. Later the milk crate was removed, the 2x4's were replaced by maple wood glued together in "plys" and the wheels were improved. The original term for skateboarding was "sidewalk surfing.") Sadly some ignorant people still affiliate skaters with stoners. (This is mostly because skateboarding is viewed as a counter-culture by Society.) Skaters are typically athletic and usually do not use drugs.
The term is actually difficult to define due to the fact of the large diversity in the sub-culture. Basically anybody who uses any type of skateboard for any reason. (yes posers exist, but they exist for every sub-culture, I'm sure that there are "Thug" posers also.) Skateboarders do not listen to one specific type of music. No strict fashion exists except for the people who try to look dedicated/sponsered, or are actually sponsered by wearing name-brand skateboarding clothing (such as a company's t-shirt, hat, or shoes.) Any person can be a skater: african, asian, european, mexican, female, male, elderly, youngsters, poor, rich, etc.

Skateboarders are people who participate in a sport/art, not a fashion trend.

To find some skaters: grab a skateboarding magazine, or a skateboarding movie, or hell, even go to your local skatepark or skateshop. You will quickly gather how diverse this sub-culture is, and hopefully create your own opionion/definition of them.

by Steven Hanaway June 26, 2006

76👍 40👎


"skater" or "skateboarder"

A person who is foot mounted on a board of some type with zero-four wheels. Usually without any motor. (Manually propelled vehicle.) Skateboarders usually do not have a single fashion, and their clothing style is borrowed from other sub-cultures. (i.e. Punk-Skaters, Prep-Skaters, Homie-Skaters, etc.) Derived from the "surfer", "stoner" and "metal-head" sub-cultures. Sadly some ignorant people still affiliate skaters with stoners. Skaters are typically athletic and usually do not use drugs.
The term is actually difficult to define due to the fact of the large diversity in the sub-culture. Basically anybody how uses any type of skateboard for any reason. (yes posers exist, but they exist for every sub-culture, I'm sure that there are "Thug" posers also.) Skateboarders do not listen to one specific type of music. No strict fashion exists except for the people who try to look dedicated/sponsered, or are actually sponsered by wearing name-brand skateboarding clothing (such as a company's t-shirt, hat, or shoes.) Any person can be a skater: african, european, asian, mexican, female, male, elderly, youngsters, poor, rich, etc.

Skateboarders are people who participate in a sport/art, not a fashion trend.

To find some skaters: grab a skateboarding magazine, or a skateboarding movie, or hell, even go to your local skatepark or skateshop.

by Steven Hanaway November 22, 2005

35👍 23👎


Emo, short for Emotional. Pretty much your definition right there. A whole bunch of sorrow filled people, who listen to downtrodden music which lyrics usually consist of groans and moans of past relationships that went wrong and they take there pain to the extreme. Typically "cutters" or, people who cut themselves when they are upset to release their emotions (very unhealthy by the way.) Majority of Emo's are homo/bi-sexual. Usually "Punks" do not get along with them. (Indie sux, hard-line sux, EMO SUX, you suck!-Antiflag)

Emo bands include, but are not limited to: my chemical romance, the used, and taking back sunday.

by Steven Hanaway November 22, 2005

5👍 10👎


Emo, short for Emotional. Pretty much your definition right there. A whole bunch of sorrow filled people, who listen to downtrodden music which lyrics usually consist of groans and moans of past relationships that went wrong and they take there pain to the extreme. Typically "cutters" or, people who cut themselves when they are upset to release their emotional pain (which is very unhealthy by the way.) Majority of Emo's are homo/bi-sexual. Usually "Punks" do not get along with them. ("Indie sux, hard-line sux, EMO SUX, you suck!"-Antiflag)

Emo bands include, but are not limited to: my chemical romance, the used, and taking back sunday.

by Steven Hanaway June 26, 2006

7👍 18👎