To be zorroed is the act of being stabed or sliced, defined after the hero zerro and his trade mark method of dishing out justice
Mark got zorroed like a failed urban hero
2👍 7👎
A nonce coinage in Louise Erdrich's The Last report on the Miracles at Little No Horse.
"Oh God forgive me, the Mother Superior prayed. She considered homunculation, but then rushed down to the piano room.
1.To inflict a wound with any capable object
Don't make me boor you bruv!
he got boored up
21👍 31👎
1. a play on word derived from bore and the character Zorro meaning to stab or slice an opponent.
2. Stab
3. Weapon capable of inflicting a stab or slice wound
Pass the Zoor star
Do make me zoor you!
He got Zoored hard!
25👍 17👎