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The newest nickname for Sean Combs.

1997: Puff Daddy
1999: P. Diddy
Aug. 16, 2005: Diddy

by Straight Edge XXX August 26, 2005

34👍 31👎

be ghosts

v. To leave abruptly.

Ted: You wanna get outta here?
Mike: Let's be ghosts, man.

Ted: You wanna get high?
Mike: Nah, I gotta be a ghost.

by Straight Edge XXX August 25, 2005

11👍 5👎


Any substance used to "take the pain away" from life because people can't deal with problems. Druggies often complain about non-drug users bitching about their "recreational habits" Yet, I don't want to fear a crackhead killing me to steal my wallet or breaking into my house to score some dope.

Pot heads are the whiniest with excuses like "it fights cancer!" It dosen't do shit but maybe relieve some pain or make you hungry so you don't starve to death.

These people also complain that their addiction is no worse than greed or ignorance, etc. Yet these morons are ignornat about what these drugs conatin or do to their brains over long periods of time and the fact that drug dealers are all about selling a dime bag for some cash. What does drug use involve? High prices on the corner means people steal, kill and beg for a few bucks for their "harmless habit."

Most of these idiots will tell you they like Bob Marley because of him being a Jamaican and we all know all of them toke up.

These activities can be seen at parties.

Jim the druggie was found dead in the gutter last night with a needle in his arm what a loser!

crackhead: Dude, I'll blow you for 5 bucks so I can score some shit!

person: Fuck off Druggie!

by Straight Edge XXX August 21, 2005

127👍 329👎