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uneducated? UNEDUCATED? Before you say that someone is uneducated, Why don't you Look at yourself? You think people of the same sex go together. There's 2 genders for a reason, wtf people?

Oh yeah really. Someone's uneducated just because they don't approve same sex couples when there are 2 sexes for a reason. Wow That makes real sense.

Now I don't believe in god...or something like a god. But still its corrupting humanity, and thus, shouldn't be allowed.

Liberals are actually the "homophobes" they describe. They call other people who don't approve homosexuality homophobes, when they actually are, trying to hide it by branding someone else a homophobe, so people won't think they are the gay one - Get the picture, here? I have no real proof of this, but doesn't it make sense? Why would they(gaysupporters) call someone a homophobe just because they are stating their honest opinion of homosexuality?

You poor poor hypocrite liberal bastards...

LIBERALS are the actual people insecure about their homosexuality. Liberals just call other people homophobes to make themselves feel better, cause they still haven't figured out their own sexuality.

by Straight person defending his beliefs March 17, 2006

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