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Rotten crotch.

R.C. is the socially acceptable way to say to your friend they need to go bathe. It is a "heads up" to call them R.C., they will probably even thank you then and there.

Hey man, your r.c. is getting ripe and in need of tonight.

by Strawberrytwin December 26, 2020


Certain people who you hate, just seeing their face pisses you off. Names usually start with an A.

Gd that bitchface Andrea! Every time i see her face it pisses me off!

by Strawberrytwin December 26, 2020


Boss ass bitch. Someone who will outsmart you every time.

I tried to play that bitch but turns out shes a Cathy.

by Strawberrytwin May 23, 2017

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