A new wave of network and sometimes cable television that features "ordinary" people, and is supposedly unscripted; often competitive with motives to win monetary prizes; notorious for being a waste of time yet addicting to many.
"Why are you watching reality TV again?" the children's father questioned.
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Underdog character in the "Homestarrunner.com" series; anatomy is dominated by spherical shapes; often complains and whines, thus causing much pain from his brothers, Strong Bad and Strong Mad; has elephant legs.
Strong Sad has good penmanship, but most people find him annoying beyond sanity.
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A popular hangout site for characters in the "Homestarrunner.com" series; run by a "hip" character named Bubs, who sells Swiss rolls.
Strong Bad and the Cheat treated themselves to food at Bub's Concession Stand.
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Acronym for "model United Nations," either a club or class, usu. in high schools; an extremely time-consuming activity where one student learns about international policies and takes on the role of a delegate for a particular country to discuss any given topic.
(Other-- Known to cause high school students to stay up late in researching.)
"I'm representing France in the committee of IAEA," said the M.U.N. student.
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Guitarist in the NY-originating band The Strokes; tall; started playing the guitar at age 5 or six after receiving an acoustic guitar; likes "stripey socks."
Nick Valensi was born on January 16, 1981.
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Gorgeous singer of the New York-originated rock band The Strokes, born Aug. 23, 1978; often appears drunk and/or hung-over, but is strikingly good-looking nonetheless; sings in a unique low tone; he and The Strokes sport vintage rock habits.
Julian Casablancas has the most amazing voice ever.
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1. The lifestyle which suddenly appears once one has lived a life of pop music and MTV, yet suddenly decides that they want to be "punk," as it is the popular thing to do.
2. One who partakes in a pseudo-punk lifestyle.
1. "She's turned to pseudo-punk, Michelle," the girl whispered. "It was just before the summer that she was wearing preppy clothing."
2. He, among others, considers Avril Lavigne to be a pseudo-punk.
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