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Stuck up

Stuck up is a person who believes they are better than everyone else. A stuck up person has high morals and won’t notice you if you look average or boring. They love attention and post selfie’s on every form of social media on a daily basis... they are obsessed with their looks and wears the latest fashion, has nice things & everyone gossips about her because of how annoying she is. You have to pretend to like her or she could ruin your life.. and reputation. Oh don’t tell her she’s wrong because she is always right... even when she is wrong that bitch be having you think you started an apocalypse cause you didn’t respond to her message after 2 mins.

You: you called me a cunt

Stuck up: you treated me like a cunt

You: you overreact and take everything too seriously, why let something small ruin our friendship?

Stuck up: *clears throat*

“it’s called the butterfly effect.. many years ago there was a story about a man.. he discovered time travel and travelled back in time to the dinosaur ages. While he was there he stepped on a butterfly and when he got back to his present time the world had completely changed and everything was different to what he was expecting. Theory being, how something so small like “stepping on a butterfly” could affect everything in such a big way. Every little thing we do makes a difference. So because you treated me like a dog, you probably just got Australia blown up.”

You: you’re fucked.

Stuck up: actually, I haven’t had sex in 3 weeks.

*you give up*

by Stuckupidgaf April 21, 2021