{ceed cher-ing} verb, 1. sexual intercourse
Wow, look at her tits...I'd like to get down to some serious seed sharing with her!
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{kum keeler} noun, 1. Anything that brings intercourse to a non-climactic end and completely kills any and all sex drive/desire 2. A person that starts crying and/or becomes overly needy, emotional, contemplative and/or somber during intercourse
That shotgun blast to my ass was a real cum killer.
Her nasty fart was a real cum killer.
She's a real cum killer - all of a sudden she started to sob while we were shagging.
{voh-kahn-stah-bull} noun, 1. A person that corrects the mis-pronounciation, mis-spelling and/or mis-application of a word in speech, print or signing
The voconstable corrected me by pointing out that it's prodigious, not prodiginous.
The voconstable quickly denounced our use of the word "Spanglish"... it's just plain wrong!
{fy-jahm-mah-slahm-mah} noun, 1. a physical fight or altercation involving a large number of people - usually involving weapons such as bats, sticks, knives, brass nuckles, etc. 2. a rumble
We're getting ready for tonight's fi jamma slamma. Are you in? If so, bring a weapon.
Last night's fi jamma slamma involved more than fifteen people - with three being hurt badly.
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{freek ov fry-day} noun, 1. A person who obsesses about and plans for Friday night partying all week long. 2. A person that has a suppressed, but distinct alter ego that manifests itself during Friday nights with many negative consequences.
For both definitions their personality and behavior changes dramatically when they hit the town on Friday night: it typically involves getting fubared plus acting on all their pent-up aggression, desires, horniness, insecurities, etc. The results are usually not good with lots of double shelving, puking, fights, embarassment, DUIs, horrific two-day hangovers and one night stands with fuglies. Alcohol and/or drugs are ever-present.
He's/She's a Freak of Friday. He/She made good on their plans by drinking so much that they puked all over themselves right at the bar. Everyone just laughed.
The Freak of Friday likes to dance on tables and then starts taking off her clothes. Once she got completely naked before the popo showed up. The guys were grabbing her tits, ass and snatch.
The Freak of Friday borrowed $600 on Monday and blew it all at the strip clup. He got so fubared that he peed on someone's leg. The bouncer slammed his face and broke his jaw. He just laid there completely limp. What a dumphus.
Did you see what the Freak of Friday brought home last night? What a dog. He's really frikcin' ugly.
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{frah-gee-tah} noun, 1. An overly needy, insecure person; typcially a female
My girl is such a fragita, she freaks out if I simply look at another woman.
No matter what I do for her/him, it seems that my fragita can never get enough attention from me.
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{spah-tur-hoond} noun, 1. A person that derives pleasure and gratification from ejaculation (typically male) upon their head, neck and face; the central tenet of this cum fetish is that the longer and forceful the stream, and the greater the volume of ejaculate, the better; frequently performed in a group setting, e.g. a circle jerk
The spatterhund took on ten guys and was blinded by jizz.