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The religious text used by Christians. Despite slander from some anti-religious groups, the bible contains many helpful life lessons and intriguing stories. And while some of it may be fiction, the weird part is that historians can, in fact, pinpoint certain eras mentioned in the bible. So, without it, there's a piece missing in the chain of historical events.

Slander the Bible all you want. If I had to choose between burning a bible and being nailed to a cross, I'd say: "Shut up, get a hammer, and nail me to this thing already." No contest.

by Stupidly Sophisticated December 24, 2020

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drop a banger

Release a new song, especially a song that sounds excellent.

"Dude! It sounds like Gauntlet, my favorite power metal band, is gonna drop a banger here this Thursday!"

by Stupidly Sophisticated June 1, 2021


An exclamation and assertion of dominance. Typically to be used in an online fighting game after defeating an opponent.

*Noobinator69 has just picked a fight with MLGPro 360 and lost*


by Stupidly Sophisticated December 27, 2021

go stick your head in a hornet's nest

A less vulgar way to say "fuck off". I personally coined the phrase and used it once or twice on some motormouth who rubbed me the wrong way. Hornets are mean, six-legged bastards, even meaner than their cousins: the wasps.

Shemp: You couldn't let me do it. You had to gum up the works.

Larry: Ah, go stick your head in a hornet's nest.

by Stupidly Sophisticated September 16, 2020

Go put sunflower seeds in your pocket

A clever, roundabout way of telling someone to go to Hell. Inspired by this elderly Ukrainian lady who walked straight up to Russian soldiers, passing out sunflower seeds and saying "put these seeds in your pocket so that sunflowers will grow when you die here."

Your mother, your father, your lineage, your existence, go put sunflower seeds in your pocket, and most importantly, FUCK YOU!

by Stupidly Sophisticated May 30, 2022

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I don't agree with the language

Used before a statement of agreement to indicate that the speaker doesn't particularly approve of foul (or just plain rude) language.

Driver: What the hell's this cocksucker doing here? This is the fast lane and he's driving like my gramps!

Passenger: I don't agree with the language, but you're right.

by Stupidly Sophisticated March 1, 2023

The Pharisees hated Jesus because he told them the truth.

A way of saying "You know I'm right" when someone gets angry at you for speaking the truth. According to scripture, the Pharisees were a group of Jewish elders in Judea (the name of Israel under Roman occupation) who took every chance they could get to catch Jesus and his disciples lacking.

Virgin Woke Urbanist: Amtrak is bad! travel cross-country by air! Or on a Greyhound bus!

Chad Nerd: Actually, there's nothing wrong with Amtrak, and aside from Greyhound, they were picking up the slack during the recent airline meltdowns.


CN: The Pharisees hated Jesus because he told them the truth.

by Stupidly Sophisticated January 15, 2023

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