When the news or other sources have articles or arguments over pot.
If you look up these words in Google, you get a bunch of articles about people squabbling over pot.
Man reading news: They're in a squabble pot again!
When a male or trans ftm covers their penis with glow-in-the-dark paint or neon paint.
Glow-in-the-dick would be a funny thing in semi-nude neon raves. Or just for friends.
Similar to that of Gender Dysphoria however, this is more related to the overwhelming feeling that one may get when they don't even feel like they're supposed to be human. Like those of us that feel closer to certain animals and compare these hairless, heavy bones of humans inferior to said creature.
Girl 1: "I haven't told my bf yet about my species dysphoria."
Girl 2: "I hope he understands."
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