Source Code

Red sox

One of the sukiest team ever to play in baseball they call them selves idiots and cant talk proporly.
NEXT Championship=2090

Johnny Damon, Jason Varitec (BOOO!!!)

by Sukhvinder April 15, 2005

78👍 87👎

hate it or love it

The best song ever made by 50 and the game

Guy 1: Yo u heard the remix for hate it or love
Guy 2: Yea it just gets beter and beter

by Sukhvinder March 25, 2005

122👍 27👎

Randizzle Johnson

The leftie pitcher for the NY YANKS

Here is the pitcher for the new york yankees: RANDIZZLE JONHSON

by Sukhvinder April 15, 2005

1👍 13👎