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yeet is truly one of the most popular words of the 21st century, most commonly used when some yeety boi chucks something at high speed.

ThE pAsT tEnSe Of YeEt Is NoT ¨yOtE¨

Past: ¨I yeeted that beer can¨

Present: ¨YEEEEEEEEET!!!!!!!!!!¨

Future: ¨I´m gonna yeet this child¨

by Sum_YeetyPootisBirdLoooserBoi January 10, 2019

Painis Cupcake

Painis Cupcake is a character based on the tf2 Soldier who is often used in tf2 shitposting.

¨I am Painis Cupcake... I will eat u¨

by Sum_YeetyPootisBirdLoooserBoi January 10, 2019

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