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Mismatched Heights Hug

This type of hug can be any type of awkward hug from someone much shorter than you.

Warning: a mismatched heights hug may leave you smothered breathless by something uncomfortable like cleavage, crotch, or knees.

by SundazeChild May 28, 2013

Lingering Hug

Begins as either a bear hug or a squeeze hug, but when the end of it is initiated, the non-initiating party waits a second longer and then slowly disengages, but allows their hand to sweep down the person's back and then lets go at the waist.

A lingering hug is awesome to witness or experience, if both parties are mutually attracted to one another, but terribly awkward if one or more parties is not interested.

by SundazeChild May 13, 2013

11👍 6👎

Squeeze Hug

This type of passionless tight hug is more of a "Thank you. I had a lot of fun. Let's do it again." message. Usually after a first or second date.

*squeeze hug*

by SundazeChild May 13, 2013

4👍 4👎

Bro Hug

A brief, manly embrace between two straight males.

Bro Hug Rules:
1. Always leave at least 1-inch of space between man parts.
2. Never gaze into each others eyes.
3. Minimum of 1-back slap required.
4. Maximum of 2-back slaps.
5. No groping or kissing of any kind.

by SundazeChild May 28, 2013

14👍 22👎

Hug and Twirl

A type of hug that means someone is really HAPPY to see you. You lucky girl/boy, you!

Often followed by the lingering hug.

*Hug and Twirl*

by SundazeChild May 13, 2013