The Clover Club Cocktail is an alcoholic beverage consisting of gin, lemon juice, raspberry syrup, and an egg white, typically served "straight up" (as in without ice) in a cocktail glass. The egg white is not added for flavor, but rather to emulsify the mixture and give it a foamy head.
I went to the bar and got a Clover Club Cocktail, it was great. Tasted good, and a few will get you plastered.
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An amazing canadian girl who is sweet, kind, beautiful, and all around one of, if not the best friend, or biggest crush or squish of everyone she knows.
Guy: Have you seen Esri? Shes so beautiful.
Girl: You mean Esrioas? Yeah ik, I'm during her.
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Abbreviation of Boarder Gateway Protocol, a protocol used for routing information being propagated through internet backbones.
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A portmanteau of Sweet and Queer, to describe people that are sweet and identify as queer.
Person A: Oh honey, call me queer... but you look just absolutely stunning tonight.
Person B: Aww, you're so sweer. <3
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Acronym, it stands for Awaiting your timely response. Commonly used on RSVPs (like invitations) in place of writing the whole phrase out.
RSVP CARD: You have hereby been cordially invited to the wedding of John Smith and Lisa Johnson, AYTR, The Families of John Smith and Lisa Johnson.
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The full name of the former US President commonly referred to as "Donald J. Trump"
Person 1: Bro what's trump's full name?
Person 2: It's Donaldus Johnson Trumpicus
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Adj. #cute, #adorable, and #dorky at the same time. Like when someone you like and think is cute geeks out over star wars or D&D.
Crush: I love Star Wars so much! All the lore is so deep and impactful to the series.
You: Aww. That's cutedorkable.
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