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when you are ballin' in the mix and you don't want certain people to know about it.

1. Your incognito when you are kickin' with another girl's man, or another man's girl.
2. Incognito is also when you tryin' to stay away from people who bring drama.

by Sunshine March 27, 2005

50πŸ‘ 79πŸ‘Ž


Bodacious boobs

Kathy Bate's nickname is BoBo.

by Sunshine January 22, 2004

9πŸ‘ 107πŸ‘Ž

Apology to Everyone

a mass email sent out of real or imagined guilt... often occurs after a drunken party, or in response to rumours.

also been known to be sent as a result of teenage angst, apologizing for something no one even thinks exists.

usually of good intent but overkill and confusing...

often includes "exceptions" to the apology and should be sent to that person as well. just so they know you still hate them

apology to everyone is then sent to a huge number of people on email list who may or may not know what the apology is for

hey you guys...
i'm soo sorry about what happened last weekend. i'm an idiot.
please forgive me. i love you all
(except you brandy- you're a sloot)

again... i'm sooooooooo sorry. i miss you guys

by Sunshine December 13, 2004

1πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Popular gay TV show, "Queer as folk"

Did you see the last episode of QAF?

by Sunshine August 16, 2003

107πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


hollywood, but with indians. referring to indian cinema, fun movies, songs and dances.

You should check out some bollywood sometime.

by Sunshine September 8, 2004

214πŸ‘ 354πŸ‘Ž


d.s. stands for "don't shy". Originated from UConn where the boys needed a slang word to tell their bros to go for the kill.

As a cute girl struts by... You say "D.S.!" to your buddy next to you.

by Sunshine December 6, 2004

4πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


"don't stop" used a reference of initiative in the party seen.

You're party is thumpin, d.s.

by Sunshine December 6, 2004

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž