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1) Noun:

A female of the species Homo sapiens. The half capable of birthing offspring. In modern humans this is becoming optional. Gestation lasts 9 months, although complications may be responsible altering this time frame. All human zygotes appear to be genderless until the seventh week of pregnancy. Funny old world.

Beyond the obvious sexual characteristics and disparities of muscle mass, vision, depth perception, the physical differences between male and female humans are limited or irrelevant.

Por ejemplo, human males don't grow an array of brightly patterned feathers in opposition to the minimalistic female. Likewise human females don't absorb the male and reduce his anatomy to a pair of gonads. (Hands down!)

This lack of meaningful physical difference allow the male and female to swap roles if needed. Sometimes if they just plain feel like it! Neat, huh? Indeed, despite certain social developments, this is common enough that medical science generously created options for the discrepancy of appearance that some people feel prevents them from enjoying their true identity. Many scientific fields have also expounded that the range of genders is not binary, providing more ways one can feel down with their funky selves.

In short, human life is complex, and sometimes wonderful, and being a woman is another way of making the world a more vibrant place. Now go out and be your freaky self.
2) Urban Dictionary doesn't know what one is.

1) A woman is a warrior. So is a man. So is anyone else. Those last few sentences got away from me.
2) Ironically the author of this definition is not a woman and is in fact a cis/male. Go figure.

by SupaNotFire April 22, 2017

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