Source Code

Drill Thrill

When you are having fun using a drill

I am having a fun time doing drill thrill!

by SuperRguy3000 November 4, 2021


Stusolo is a misheard lyrics from the song Somebody That I Used to Know. In one of the phrases are "No, you didn't have to stoop so low" which is commonly misheard as "No You Didn't Have to Stusolo"

You didn't have to Stusolo

by SuperRguy3000 December 21, 2021

3👍 2👎

Stop sign at the end of the road

When you see a Stop sign at the end of the road and it's like you know you can't go another further.

I'm working on this project, but it feels like there's a stop sign at the end of the road that I am standing on

by SuperRguy3000 December 21, 2021

Domi and Kai

An online YouTube series created by Domi/SuperRguy3000, about episodes and stories about multiple square characters doing whatever. Each episode gets an average of 120 views and usually lasts around 2-5 minutes

When is the next part coming of the new Domi and Kai episode?

by SuperRguy3000 December 11, 2021

YouTube Analytics

YouTube Analytics tracks the stats of a YouTube channel and displays them in ways, here you would see the average amount of views a video on your channel would get and would also display if your video is underperforming or overperforming

Wow, I thought my channel was doing good but YouTube Analytics is showing me no one likes my videos!

by SuperRguy3000 November 4, 2021