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Warm Demolition

Setting fire a to building with the intent of collecting payment from an insurance policy. Common type of insurance fraud.

Arson Jim‘s business burned down for the second time in four years? He’s not doing so well financially, maybe he’s engaging in some warm demolition.

by Superbird11 February 14, 2021


Imaginary type of cloud in aviation slang, describing terrain obscured by clouds that is posing a risk to the pilot.
The term is made up of „Cumulus“, a type of cloud and „Granite“, a type of igneous rock.

Most clouds you can fly through. Except Cumulogranite clouds. That ride, though short lived, is also the roughest.

Captain Careless had flown through many a cloud, but he only encountered a Cumulogranite right at the end of his life.

by Superbird11 February 14, 2021