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A slice of lime in your gin and tonic that floats to the bottom of the glass and looks rotten.

I knew before I had a sip of my gin and tonic that it wasn't going to taste all that great because I got stuck with a sublime.

by Susan Robb June 6, 2010

4👍 7👎

red herring

a passe term that most folks would like to dispense with - bringing to mind smelly fish. A pretentious saying that only pundits and a-holes use.

He brought up the term "red herring" in a conversation and his entourage looked at one another like he had leprosy.

by Susan Robb September 24, 2009

11👍 42👎

jai ho

An Indian saying meaning "You are my destiny." For those of us that cannot translate this, it means take action and go for the girl/guy that turns you on. Basically, go with your gut and pursue the person that touches your soul.

When I met David, I felt compelled to jump and shout Jai Ho!

by Susan Robb June 16, 2009

40👍 112👎


a nickname for a dog with a short muzzle, such as a pug or bulldog

The pug was greeted each morning by his owner, not but his real name, Oscar, but by monkeyface.

by Susan Robb June 15, 2009

52👍 58👎


a term of endearment such as sweetheart or darling

Hey Kloots, how was your day?

by Susan Robb June 15, 2009

14👍 3👎