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hop and pop

A parachute jump with very short free fall, usually five seconds

The skydiver will assume the stable position and open his parachute almost immediately after the exit when performing a hop and pop. Two 5" hop and pops are mandatory for skydiver training curriculum. They are at the same time practice for emergency jumps.

The cloud bottoms are at 6000 ft. Too low for belly flying, but just neat for some hop and pops.

by Susanna Viljanen April 17, 2016


A state (usually a dismal and failed one) ruled by a warlord, whose regime is based on military force only without any legitimacy. Such statelets are usually products of a larger state disintegrating as follow-up of a revolution or civil war, and various strongmen, tribal chiefs or bosses of organzed crime seizing the power and setting up a regime based on coercion and repression.

Kabul; A little slice of Warlordistan, where the central government has little power, mafia bosses grab land at will, and armed militias enforce the law รขย€ย” often harshly. (ttps://www.stripes.com/news/on-outskirts-of-kabul-warlordistan-may-be-glimpse-of-afghan-future-1.190604)

by Susanna Viljanen December 6, 2018


Parachute Landing Fall. An ukemi-like roll which converts the kinetic energy of a falling human hitting the ground into rotation, thus avoiding any injuries.

PLF is a safe way to land on a parachute, and all paratroopers and skydivers are taught how to perform it.

Seems like PLF is deep down in my muscle memory. Yesterday I was rigging Christmas lights in our cherry tree, when I fell. The PLF came almost instinctively. No other injuries but a bruised pride.

by Susanna Viljanen December 17, 2018


Parachute Landing Fall. An ukemi-like roll which converts the kinetic energy of a falling human hitting the ground into rotation, thus avoiding any injuries.

PLF is a safe way to land on a parachute, and all paratroopers and skydivers are taught how to perform it.

Seems like PLF is deep down in my muscle memory. Yesterday I was rigging Christmas lights in our cherry tree, when I fell. The PLF came almost instinctively. No other injuries but a bruised pride.

by Susanna Viljanen December 17, 2018

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


The stable freefall position in skydiving. Often refered simply as "box".

In the boxman, the skydiver keeps his or her arms on 90 degree angle ahead, head up and body arched, and legs extended and slightly apart, with shins and feets on 90 degree angle up. The idea is to get the center of gravity as low as possible.

Finding the stable boxman position is the main purpose of the first student jumps on skydiving training curriculum.

by Susanna Viljanen July 17, 2017


A front-line soldier.

A grunt is anyone, regardless of rank, who digs his or her own foxhole, performs front-line tasks, handles live weapons and ordnance and duties in combat zone and risks his or her life.

The opposite of grunt is REMF (Rear-Echelon Motherfucker), a desk job military person off the combat zone. If the definition of a grunt is one who digs his own foxhole, a REMF is anyone who sleeps between clean sheets.

To be a grunt in the Marines is the pinnacle of macho image

by Susanna Viljanen March 7, 2008

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Drop Zone

A place where skydiving is practised. Often abbreviated as DZ.

A drop zone consists usually of aerodrome and airplane maintaining facilities, landing site, manifest, clubhouse and social facilities, parachute packing hall and storage facilities.

Originally a military term for the target area where a paradrop is to be landed.

Tom, are you coming to the drop zone today after the work and do some jumps with me and Sarah? The weather report promises CAVOK until the sunset.

by Susanna Viljanen July 7, 2017