A slang term used by âmethheadsâ to describe their glass smoking device
Bill: Hey bro, pass me the Rollie Bollie.
Hank: Ok but donât scorch it again.
A term used to in place of âvagina.â Also a name you would call a woman who tends to get around with many different sexual partners.
Example #1 - Hey girl your cootchie is smelling like fish. You may want to go wash it.
Example #2 - Make sure you wipe your cootchie from front to back after you pee.
Example #3 - Tell that lil coochie to stay away from my man or we gonna have problems.
A douchebag is the leftover liquid that comes out of a womanâs twat after she douches. So basically when you call someone a douche bag your saying they are as nasty as the liquid that flows out a dirty twat when a woman is trying to clean her stinky Pussy. Itâs not a very nice thing to be called actually meaning your rather nasty.
Why do you have to act like such a douchebag?
I canât stand when people act like a douchebag for no reason.
I canât stand that dude, he reminds me of a douchebag
A black manâs cock in a vagina. Usually Tiffanyâs have tp(turd pussy).
Tiffany had some turd pussy cause all the brothers been all up in that.
A vagina with a black cock in it. Usually Tiffanyâs have turd pussy
Tiffany has some turd pussy. All the brothers been in that.
The sexiest man that walks on this earth. Is amazing in bed and makes most goes so horned they have wet Panties the second he puts one finger on them. He is a sex god but he is also a super sweet man to have and if he loves you he gives you his whole
Heart but he has been hurt in the past so he struggles to trust women and believe Iâm them. Even once he is in love with you he still struggles to believe you love him
Back. But if you ever snag you a Robert hang onto him cause one day he may learn to trust the one he loves again. Just donât hurt him cause once you do he will
Never trust you again.
My man Robert turned me on so much last night. I am in love with Robert and want to spend my life with him. I wish Robert would learn to believe on my love for him.
A glass bubble like smoking device used for smoking illegal substances in. Also called an oil burner.
Hey girl you got anything that I can hit in the rolley bowl