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Blue Anon

The propaganda network that springs into action every time a black man gets killed by police, spreading conspiracy theories about how the victim secretly actually deserved it.

Police thought they saw a gun, but then the gun disappeared when they looked at the body? Must be Blue Anon.

by SvenTheBold March 15, 2021

3👍 5👎


British pudding

What ho, pip pip, my dear chaps and chapesses. I think I'll have some scrum-tiddly-umptious plum duff. Good show!

by SvenTheBold February 28, 2015

1👍 3👎


Anyone who would act offended by the behavior of "social justice warriors," while simultaneously refusing to shut up about what they think is wrong with this country.

Edgelord: You're all just jealous that your candidate didn't win. #Trump2016 #HesYourPresident

Normal commenter: This conversation was literally about puppies until you showed up.

by SvenTheBold January 17, 2017

497👍 842👎


Live-action Pong.

It's so ironic that the same sports fans who talk bad about their kids watching so many Minecraft videos will then go on and think it's totally normal to spend hours and hours of their lives watching tall men run around with a ball.

by SvenTheBold September 22, 2017

1👍 1👎