Source Code



🐢 turtel

by Sweet 'n' Sour Sauce January 25, 2022

Normal Pills

Pills that make you act normal, Dream doesn't take them

"Dream" said Dream's Mom "Time to take your Normal Pills"

by Sweet 'n' Sour Sauce July 11, 2021


The 11th part of Madness Combat and The 4th Song of Tricky in Friday Night Funkin'

Expurgation is very hard

by Sweet 'n' Sour Sauce July 21, 2021

7👍 6👎

Store Window

1. A One-sided hatred towards a person or fandom caused by exposure to "cringe" and drama and refusal to do further research
2. A person, group or piece that can cause a one-sided hatred towards a person or fandom

His hatred towards furries is a Store Window as he watches cringe compilations

by Sweet 'n' Sour Sauce July 22, 2024

Store Window

A one-sided hatred for a fandom, usually done through exposure of "cringe" or drama. Named after how stores show a limited range of products through their front window.

His hatred towards furries is a Store Window, he only watches cringe compilations.

by Sweet 'n' Sour Sauce July 22, 2024


1. The Past Tense of Change you use to not sound like a Weird Furry that likes a Weird Game

2. Alternative to Changed

3. Chunge.exe

The Past Tense of Change has really Chunge Recently

by Sweet 'n' Sour Sauce December 16, 2021


Backwards spelled Wrong

Backwards spelled wrong is Gnedfludap

by Sweet 'n' Sour Sauce December 24, 2021

5👍 2👎