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Yes, the word teapot is very much a stereotypical word. When I walk down the hallway, I glance to the mirror at the end of the hall to see if I am walking with limp wrists (Happy Hands). If I spot myself walking with "Happy Hands", I immediately stop and sing the teapot song. This is my meager attempt at trying to rehabilitate myself into a more manly, masculine behavior.

Unfortunately, due to a medical diagnosis of severe happyhandsitis, I have sung that song so many times, that I now know it by heart! I am able to sing the teapot song with adorable flair!

I'm a little teapot,
Short and stout,
Here is my handle
Here is my spout
When I get all steamed up,
Hear me shout,
Tip me over and pour me out!

I'm a very special teapot,
Yes, it's true,
Here's an example of what I can do,
I can turn my handle into a spout,
Tip me over and pour me out!

Obviously my teapot is filled with sweet tea and I absolutely sparkle when I sing the song ..........Happy Hands and all!

The one side effect, (I mean rear effect) of having happyhandsitis, is my tushy gets all warm and tingly and I giggle a lot! My Happy Hands have a direct correlation to the wavy back and forth movement of my tushy. I have appealed to the medical community to find a remedy or device that I can introduce into my tushy to help balance and steady the constant movement of my tushy. Because I know one thing, I don't think I will ever stop singing the wonderful teapot song!

I sing and I walk like a teapot, all the while sparkling as I go!

by Sweet li'l Stevie August 25, 2022


A cocksucker is one who delights in getting down on her/his knees for the sole purpose of providing pleasure to a man by inserting his cock into their mouth and kissing and sucking a man's cock, until he is overcome with ecstasy and explodes his cum into the cocksucker's waiting mouth.

Our little Stevie takes great delight in doing his best fairy imitation by getting down on his knees, unzipping zippers and providing pleasure to a vast amount of men by fluttering his fairy wings and spreading his fairy dust, all the while being the absolute best cocksucker he can possibly be!

by Sweet li'l Stevie August 6, 2021

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