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Any car that Ford Motors sells as a Ford vehicle but really is a Mazda or has a Mazda underpin.

Generally concerned better designed vehicles when compared to other Fords.

"Dude, my dad bought a Fozda Fusion, it's like a streched-out Mazda6, only with better style direction."

by Sweetwater April 15, 2006

5👍 1👎


To get blue balled. To get to the state of prime arousal only to be stopped short by the females unwillingness to carry out intercourse

Broooo, that bitch smurfed me last night. My nuts are still a bit achey this morning

by Sweetwater December 2, 2018


Some who is so graphical that he can create a graphical design business that designs websites for companies using his super graphical abilities.

Man you are so graphical you must be awethentik.

by Sweetwater December 9, 2013

4👍 1👎