The sequel to one of the greatest console shooter in modern history. It featured a short and uninteresting story line that just dragged the story for what seemed ages. Its bad sense of story telling and bad usage of cliffhangers made this game highly dissapointing. Its only saving grace was it multi-player, but that was also dissapointing as it had been dumbed down to point where the best halo2 player in the world could be defeated by a n00b if the n00b got a sword first.
The skill needed for competition and superiority of design from the original halo did not reappear in the sequel making it the second most anticipated game EVER, but sadly the biggest let down in modern gaming history.
I pre-ordered my copy of Halo 2 2 years before it came out, but nowadays id rather play the original than even look at my copy of the sequel.
12👍 24👎