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n.) A delicious, hallucination-inducing vegetable, commonly seen in Super Mario games.

There are many types, the most notorius being the 'Invinci-shroom'. This shroom will give the user a short, yet extraordinary high. Said person will experience many homicidal impulses, including the urge to trample over others. In extreme cases, they may jump on top of innocent bystanders and crush them into the ground, making what is known as "Road Pizza."

See other; 1-Up Shroom, Toadstool, Marijuana.

"Mario, grab the Shrooms!"

"I've got one, Luigi! Oh my... there are coins EVERYWHERE!"


by Syxx Styles September 1, 2008

28👍 28👎


1.) A common misnomer for WTF (Why Try, Fuckers?), WWF is about as real and tough as a fairy princess.

Every action that has ever taken place is scripted and performed by underpaid actors. They use people with real backgrounds to create a facade of realism, when in fact it's completely fake.

When's the last time you've seen a person shrug off a piledriver?

Last year, in a start-of-the-year Greco-Roman Wrestling match, a newbie performed a piledriver on a three-year veteran (who by the way was 6'2" more conditioned than most WWF/WWE fighters have ever been,) and broke the veteran's sternum, sending him to the hospital for two weeks. And yet these men can take all those hits, then come back a week later for a rematch. I don't know about you, but Rhino doesn't look like he can fly, shoot laser beams out of his eyes, and grow weak near shiny rocks.

"Dude, have you watched WWF lately? Last week's episode was killer! You should have seen Sting!"

"...Look. You're wasting your time watching that show. Honestly, I'd rather watch Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends - it's more realistic."

by Syxx Styles September 1, 2008

16👍 74👎