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Mangy is a great friend, they always make funny jokes and sometimes annoy your s/o in a playful way, you usually find them online or something; Although they are quite shy on the internet. They always keep up with funny things and social media, when you play a game with them they can be competitive and agressive. Very impatient though!

I talked to a mangy two days ago. They were so impatient when i was on the plane!

by Szzam August 6, 2021


When someone is either angry or happy, other emotions like that- they keyboard smash. This is considered a keyboard smash. In other terms, the person could just be cleaning their keyboard.

Oh my goodness I was cleaning my keyboard and google searched qwq111qwert4234567897kkicxcxzxsasaswwwawwexdxzxddddwewewqaa!

by Szzam September 3, 2021