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dirty dirt dirt

When a romantic couple is walking down the street and is confronted by a secondary opposing couple resulting in a power struggle over who is the better couple. From here the romantic couples continue to walk towards each other, head on (similar to that of a game of "Chicken") while progressively increasing their couplieness until they meet in the middle. When the couples are at arms-lenght and the intenseness is at its greatest, the romantic couple that dominates, both in physical and psychological romantic couplieness, is appointed romantic couple champions. Once champions the winning couple may refer to themselves and their victory as "Dirty Dirt Dirt"

"yo girl, looks like we got some competition comin up on us reaaaal quick..... lets bust a move and get this dirty dirt dirt da shit onnn"

"God Deeeeammnnnn girrrrlll, we just dirty dirt dirted that dirty dirt dirttt fer shezzzzz"

by T drizzel 'n Cat women December 14, 2009

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