Source Code


1.) A state of being.

2.) Public Assistance.

1.) I'm the only one looking out for T's welfare!

2.) Yo, T, how long you been on welfare?

by T-Boy August 4, 2004

1046๐Ÿ‘ 109๐Ÿ‘Ž


An epithet that describes anyone but you.

It is a statistical certainty that there is someone out there in the planet who considers you an idiot. That person doesn't matter, of course -- he's an idiot.

by T-Boy August 29, 2003

914๐Ÿ‘ 1013๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pizza Rage

An overwhelmingly potentially dangerous "fit of rage" triggered by the poor craftsmanship of a "limp-wristed" younger employee (generally a "Mellennial") whose half-hearted attempt at cutting your pizza resulted in all of your pizza slices being stuck together causing a person to have to rip their pizza apart unevenly and pissing them off to no end.

When he realized how poorly his pizza was cut, he went into a "Pizza rage".

by T-Boy January 17, 2018

persecution complex

One of the top fifteen factors that can transform a reasonable, amiable, friendly person with reasonable, friendly beliefs and ideas into a ranting, screaming, judgemental zealot with poisonous, nauseating, self-righteous dreck for beliefs.

Persecution complex can strike anyone, regardless of belief, creed or religion, or whether they disagree with you or not. Once you start believing that the whole world is against you, you begin to justify your abominable actions by the presumed hostility of the world. Mind you, it's a great way to not only make enemies, but also an excellent way of making people reject your beliefs and idealogy.

by T-Boy August 29, 2003

458๐Ÿ‘ 197๐Ÿ‘Ž


A website, ostensibly created as a resource and a snapshot of the phenomenon known as "urban language".

A practically unmoderated, unsupervised word database, whose users can add their definitions of words they have used, or have made up without fear of identification.

Of course, thanks to human nature, no one uses it that way. Surprisingly, people are upset about this, despite its inevitability.

Which once again illustrates human nature.

by T-Boy August 29, 2003

296๐Ÿ‘ 93๐Ÿ‘Ž


A doctrine, originally formulated during the 18th and 19th century as women's emancipation and suffragetism, that advocated the emancipation of women and attempts to get everyone else to recognize that women have equal rights to men.

Modern feminism is characterized by its doctrine of 'expanding choice for both genders', as feminists ostensibly desire a society where not only women may be allowed to do whatever they please (within reasonable, human limits), but to also allow men to enjoy the same freedoms as women should, which should include the choice of NOT doing something, if they do not wish to do so.

Unfortunately, thanks to misunderstanding and human nature, nobody really believes in this shit anymore, and people stereotypically associate feminists with hairy-armpit owning dykes who hate all men, and opponents of feminists as hairy boorish pig-subhumans.

It's fucking sad, but feminism is a great example of why humanity is a damn sight dumber than everyone likes to believe.

by T-Boy August 29, 2003

1065๐Ÿ‘ 9009๐Ÿ‘Ž


An inept politician. An Alpha Male. Someone who didn't read the constitution, and who doesn't understand the structure and reason for the Electoral College.

"I lost the election because I don't understand the Electoral College!" POLS 101

by T-Boy August 4, 2004

31๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž