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Pont Champlain

The bridge one takes into Montreal if you are headed in from the Southside of the island. This is known as Anglo-Soul Glo-After the Party it's off to the bowling alley with Sally, Chief O'Malley, and Rand-McNally, Cali. That is, if you just ate a sheet of pot-brownies like I did.

I took Pont Champlain into Montreal. It was the most beautiful bridge I rode on all day. Believe me, I seen a lot of fucking bridges today, Daddy.

by T-Dog Jenkins October 2, 2005

23πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


Also known as the Manhattan House of Detention for Men; was located on Centre Street. The Tombs is no longer in operation; they send you straight to Sing Sing.

Jim Carroll spent many a nights in the Tombs.

by T-Dog Jenkins May 8, 2005

57πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Video Pigeon

Andy Baron's sideproject that can't play Nectars anymore because he stole all the urinal cakes.

Andy Baron usually puts out slutty hooks with Dr. Hook, not video pigeon.

by T-Dog Jenkins July 23, 2004

21πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


the sound an ambulance makes as it leaves your neighborhood.

The ambulance carrying my cousin went E-e-E-e-EE-e as it sped through the night. It's too bad he's in a chair now.

by T-Dog Jenkins July 16, 2005

82πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

barnyard word

a foul, profrane, or vulgar term associated with the place where the animals muck about on a farm.

Fuck, Shit, Cunt, Cock, and Blowjob all qualify as barnyard words.

by T-Dog Jenkins July 14, 2005

20πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


the plural of s'more. It means that there is s'more chocolate, s'more marshmellow, and s'more graham crackers.

Joey Butafucco is a dago who puts red sauce on his s'mores

by T-Dog Jenkins January 24, 2005

121πŸ‘ 87πŸ‘Ž

cabbage night

A term for the night before Halloween used in Vermont. This night is referred to as mischief night in many parts of the United States. On Cabbage Night, children who live in rural areas (i.e. the entire state) go out into the crops and collect rotten veggies. Then they go to the homes of prominent people in town: wealthy old spinsters that don't out candy, the town banker who forcloses on family farms, or the fucker that runs the general store. Don't get me started at that sum bitch. He thinks he can get a buck fifty for a fucking pepsi. All he's gonna get from me in a cabbage through the windshield of his Dodge.

Cabbage Night is fun.

by T-Dog Jenkins July 11, 2005

185πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž