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A really awesome rubberman from the Anime series, One Piece. He acts like he has half of a brain but can get really serious and reckless when needed. He is basically unstoppable in the show and is wanted by the navy. He has messy blach hair, black eyes, and (like all the other guys in One Piece) has a freakish 8-pack. He may sound a bit weird but he's AWESOME!! In MY oppinion xP.

Luffy: Mysterious cave!
Luffy: Goldenball!

by T-i-gg-er F-U November 27, 2006

685👍 89👎


A smexy anime character from the anime Naruto. What gender he likes? Unknown. For all we know he might just be bi. HE is 1 of the 3 people that posses the sharingan and he seems to LOOOOVE fire, pyromaniac. He's goes to Orochimaru to get power and acts like a f***in bitch to do so but for some reason we all still love him, right? Well i do xP. If he had a thing for any guy he would be the seme, unless it was Orochimaru or Itachi...or some other grown man...but u get the point. He probably WILL come back to Konoha and WILL do something good for once...at least i hope so. He loves onigiri and tomatoes. His hobbies are training and taking walks. He wants to kill Itachi and will live with a manwhore to do so.

Naruto: Even you screw up from time to time!
Sasuke: I'm gonna screw YOU up!
Naruto: Go for it!
He might be gay...or
(they are at a Hot Spring)
Sakura: Hey Hinata, how'd you get those?
Hinata: ??
Naruto: *drools* <<at Hinata
Sasuke: *blushes and drools* <<at Sakura

by T-i-gg-er F-U November 27, 2006

87👍 192👎