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Noun: a person who spends excessive amounts of time in the bathroom, typically number two-ing or masterbating. A clock can be set by their excratory system... pretty much they take long shits at the same time everyday, and hold their friends up who are waiting for them outside to go somewhere. Also used to refer to fat people, typically short fat girls.
Verb: The act of being a dumpy. In most cases though it is being short and/or fat. The act of being repulsive to the genral public.
Adj: Fat, repulsive, ugly, annoying, long shits,

Noun: What the fuck is taking dumpy so long? He's been in the shitter for 45 minutes.
Verb: Dude that was long ass dumpy. what was it 45 minutes.
Adj: That dude is fucking dumpy, he shits every god damn day at 4.

by T-raz Mc-ray-ray May 13, 2007

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