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The Giggle Loop

The exponentially irresistible urge to laugh and giggle in inappropriate situations, such as when asked to take a moment of silence in honor of someone or something, or a solemn ceremony like a wedding or funeral.
The harder one resists the urge to laugh, the funnier the idea of what would have happened HAD you laughed becomes, resulting in an even stronger urge to laugh.

Coined by the British sitcom "Coupling".

"To know of the giggle loop is to become part of the giggle loop!"

by TFE July 4, 2008

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Stan Darsh

Stemming from the South Park episode where the children go skiing and encounter a stereotypical 80s movie plotline. Sort of a lame whiney insult for someone equivalent to Douchebag or Lamer.

"DARRRSHHH! Sup STAN...DARSH! Stan Darsh!"

by TFE July 27, 2006

240πŸ‘ 91πŸ‘Ž


A flying LOL. Currently extinct.

"u suck"

by TFE January 30, 2007

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Similar to a slowp, a really slow comeback or quip that is often also lame or pathetic.

"Hahaha, I can't believe you...you're so pathetic..."
"Ohhh yeah well...uhhhh..."
"Any day now..."
"UHhhhhh...your mom."
"Nice slowback, dude..."

by TFE September 5, 2007

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


The combination of the words douche and doofus; a great insult meaning anything in general, from a jackass to an idiot.

You stupid douchus! Get away from me!

by TFE August 11, 2005

17πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Good Otch

Another way to say "Sexy" or "I'd hit that". The slang "otch" literally means "Sex". However "Good Otch" doesn't literally mean "Good Sex", it's just a compliment or exclamation of a female's sexyness or beauty.

"Shit, did you seen Jessica Simpson's new music video?"
"Daaaamn! Good otch!"

by TFE September 1, 2006

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Fire Breather

Rather odd slang for a lesbian, paired with Laser Knee.

"Dude, I totally think that chick's a fire breather."

by TFE February 20, 2007

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