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An unmarried woman that works as a stripper in Romania. It can be used as a offensive word too

Dute dracului de pitipoanca!
Pitipoanca aia e foarte sexy.

by THAT_ROMANIAN652 February 21, 2018

1👍 1👎


a chad officer which commands idiot union and gives no shits about the world. a truly magnificent specimen

covrupt reminds me of coderjeff

by THAT_ROMANIAN652 October 21, 2020


a really good groun d officer who left razor for spear because he is chad and respects everyone and kills the simps

dude that coderjeff guy totally shat all over covrupt

by THAT_ROMANIAN652 October 21, 2020


Someone who is associated with Harleys.
Someone who rides Harleys.

You guys with tough beards and bandanas are a bunch of total fags.

by THAT_ROMANIAN652 June 1, 2020