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The most amazing boy in the world :) he's hilarious and just thinking about him at any moment makes me smile. He's so nice and caring and is a good problem solver. He may not be the most sporty or strong guy in the world but he's perfect to me and I love him to death. Plus he's super hot anyway (Willard Mitchell Hot Railsback) he's really smart too and I feel like I can talk to him about anything like he's my best friend. There isn't a second in a day where I don't want to be around him and hold his hand and hug and kiss him because every time he touches me I get butterflies and can't help but smile. He has the sweetest blue eyes I've ever seen in my life and I could stare into them forever.
Also I can always just be my weird self around him and I can sing around him and not feel all awkward (haha) and even though things do get awkward here and there, I wouldn't trade a Mitchell for the world!!

Ahhhhhh!!! Willard Mitchell Hot Railsback is over there doing the unicorn lol he's so perfect for me!!

by THE BESTEST SISSY EVAHHH!! March 20, 2013

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