Source Code

presurized vagina

A presurized Vagina is when A man gets on top of the woman and he pushes his dick inside the woman too far, therefore creating an air pocket. This vagina now has pressure inside.

(Random man) Hey!!! Whats up? Long time no see!)

(Other man ) i dont know you.

(Random man) You dont but your wife does after i gave her that presurized Vagina last night.

by THE SEX GOD November 20, 2015


a Hacker
involved in the Spyro incident at Gfaqs
KOSed from Gfaqs
wanders spinoff board

I can't believe you lost your account like that. I'd be mad EXE stole my account if I were you.

by THE SEX GOD February 21, 2003

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