A mosher is not a actually a label. It is a label the 'chavs' or 'townies' use to label anyone who is abit different from them.
The word mosh is actually a verb a doing word and decribes an activity. The activity is a certian dance 'moshing' and you do this 'moshing' in a moshpit.
Any emo, goth, punk, alt, etc... cxould mosh if they wanted to. It is not a steriotype but it describes the dancing which they do.
Stupidly, If a group of chavs saw an emo, scene kid and a hippie together they proberly would all be 'wrongly' labeled mosher.
Chav one: OI!! MOSHER!! GET A BATH
Hippie: go get some peace.
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The Beatles. The world greatest band. Revolutionised music as a whole. Genuinely nice blokes.
The beatles typical conversation:
Lennon: "Paul, Did you know your future wife is going to be a money whore?"
PAul: "no, but thanks for telling me"
44👍 27👎