Stands for Fuck Tan Cheer.
A group of individuals, most often female and of high school age, whose entire live's pursuits are listed above. They have deep, unnatural tans. They may be attractive if it weren't for the bizarre skin tones not found in nature. They may be cheerleaders.
While valued as sexually objects by the "jock" crowd, They are far too clique-y to have any meaningful friendships outside of the FTC. Hence, "Fuck" instead of have sex or make love.
There is often one, the "Pack Leader" if you will, with what might pass as a natural tan in Sub-Saharan Africa. The others are often varying levels of orange/unnatural. The "Bottom Feeder" aka MUFF, the lowest in the pecking order, often uses faux-tanning products. Oils, spray-ons, and other "beauty" products are substituted for real sun or even tanning booths. Hence, the "Tan" section.
They are often cheerleaders, or, more likely, ex-cheerleaders. Whether kicked out because of absences, inappropriate behaivior, or they left because all of their FTC friends left, they are not school endoersed "Leaders of Cheer" any longer. They will still show up at football games in search of consequence free sex and attention. Hence, "Cheer".
See those dark figures moving about? Yep. The FTC is on the prowl...
Dude, I think I got the drips from my night with that orange FTCer.
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