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A great private school located in the heart of Dallas, Texas. Though it has a reputation of being for rich snobs (what private school doesn't?), the student body is actually extremely bright and down to earth. Many of the students are on generous scholarships and really love contributing to the university. I am one of those student and I DO NOT own one designer purse and DO NOT drive a BMW....and no one cares. SMU is ranked in the top 50 schools in the nation and has a top 10 business school. As students, we benefit from generous alumni who both give back to the school and are always looking to hire another alum. Take a look at the families some kids come from...success is demanded and these kids' parents would never send them to a crappy school plus they are always willing to be great connections in the workforce. The classes are small and everyone is afforded individual attention. One can major in just about anything and double (even triple) majors are very encouraged. Want to study abroad? go greek? enjoy boulevarding (our form of tailgating)? build a sustainable living community? meet driven, amazing people? come out with great teacher relationships? live in the heart of one of the most rapidly growing cities in the US? have it all? Then give SMU a chance and know that the negative stereotypes you've heard are stupid and could not be more incorrect. SMU is a fantastic place to spend 4 years and opens a world of opportunities to both its undergrad and grad students

hey that kid goes to smu. I heard he's already got a job on wall street next year

by TIH June 23, 2011

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