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Where you date a girl a decade younger than you

Ryan's dating a girl that 6, he Apriled her.

by TOAD DA 1ST May 31, 2023


Someone that looks, smells, and acts like a bag full scummy fecees covered rashes

Austin is being a jerk for personal gain, what a rashbag.

by TOAD DA 1ST May 31, 2023

Bud Lighted

You drink Bud Light and you become a transgender, or such of that community

John just drank a bud light, hes a tranny now, he got bud lighted

by TOAD DA 1ST May 31, 2023


A gay person who also happens to be a bot

Austin is such a gaybot, he'll believe anything those gays say

by TOAD DA 1ST May 31, 2023


A group of people over three years younger than yiu that you constantly rizz

Obadiah keeps rizzing those year sevens, there now his rizzlings.

by TOAD DA 1ST May 31, 2023


A subject of someone who is three years and older that constantly rizzes you and usually a group of subjects.

Ben is a rizzling of Obadiah, who rizzes him and his friends, who are fellow rizzlings

by TOAD DA 1ST May 31, 2023


A skinny person

Look at Grace, she's so skinny, she's a skeleton.

by TOAD DA 1ST May 31, 2023