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A group of supportive people that defend innocent people from trolls and harassers and punish bad users, TPNG is the most powerful group on YouTube/Google +. They have defeated EGHF easily in 3 days, and destroys thosaunds of UTTP's communities. And made peace with Anti-Fandomism easily, TPNG will save your life easily. The legit leader is ThaSheetMon5. And the other leaders are : SonicFan13, DeathRocket4990, Carterlennon, Chaoanaya, WaluigiFan32, Sebastian6078 and Lavaheart23. There might be new owners. So this might not be all.

TPNG = Troll Punisher Ninja Gear

by TSM5 May 27, 2015

82👍 131👎