A person who believes in the existence of multiple variables that dictate societal age.
She is yet another one of those vindictive, self-righteous fectilikians- one could say she is the worst fectilikian of them all.
A sensation that makes one nervous and confused for something they consider important.
Holly's tiliscorastionorapachoralisectoronostiromadarodiffemetronopsiriconiitis is getting eminently severe.
Ferocious in character when triggered by something connected to one's past.
She can be very plainitious when you talk to her about her deceased parents.
Knowingly unjust.
Jeremiah has a tendency to be quite apostitious due to his narcissism.
The company that creates artwork and integrates it into the urban environment.
Senfi Style shall become a very successful corporation.
A headdress typically adorned by men from Jiubviatt when they marry women from the countryside. It represents that the men will guide the women until they become accustomed to city life.
His hjouibpaxghxa only made the wedding feel more sincere.
Argumentative, arrogant and self-centered- unable to make friends.
The reason he has no friends is because he is of such disreportuous character.