Source Code

Mu Online

The best free mmorpg ever.Gosu game!

I've been playing Mu Online for the last 10 hours. It is so gosu!

by TWeaK February 22, 2005

17👍 47👎


To "loot", was what the pirates did, and what u do when u find items in RPGs.

Diablo char: w00t nice loot.

Pirate after boarding a ship: Arrrr loot!

by TWeaK June 3, 2003

36👍 59👎


Korean english for play

paly plz..?!? ok ha.ha!

by TWeaK June 3, 2003

17👍 27👎


n. a type of hideous retardation causing children at school to look like dinosaurs; a terrible abomination
v. to thrash violently and uncontrollably
(note: not associated with cerebral palsy)

(n.) Her palsy is so bad she looks inhuman
(v.) She palsied until she was removed from the stage.

by TWeaK April 9, 2003

11👍 37👎


some one who is so emo that they r almost cool yet extremely gay

fuken emosaurus kids think they r so cool im gunna run over there dog and or girlfriend Okéi all joo n00berz, lîzten up. Fïrst öFf... Im teh Über pr0 pwnzér & knö Qüeztions a$ked, o0kay?? I pwnerêd all nöuberz fRom all lÄnd$ like Spiane---ïë.. and teh ßûlgariananic tRïbez and shiîz sô DÖNT ße mes2ën or joö'll hÄve knö heÄd ßïÄTÇH!!!11 Ökïe, seçondly ofF, dïs çlan- ïs alsö téh pwnzör l337 clan, an'd öur main spécïaltylizér is pwnzing n00bs leik joo. Okéii, and 4öuRth ÖFf, ïf, in âny such wây, jôo ïnzultz üs, joo will hÄvé t0 bé hëad-shoTtÉd ând will cO/\/\e homë fRöm schKöôl an"d Fïnd joÜ hâve n0 housë and only a pilë of n0üb ÄshEz. s0 FÜÇ|< 0Ff Joü FûKëm NoößS!

by TWeaK March 21, 2005

17👍 51👎


stupid star trek fans. that dress up as stupid star trek characters.

i am a trekee cause i am stupid and have a pretend remote control that will zap you.


by TWeaK July 19, 2003

14👍 61👎


Ricer is a car or and azn man most commonly refferd to cars bc of all the shit they put on it.and also bc you dont want many an azn man wanting to beat u up bc u called him a rice picker XD

Look at that rice rocket go!

Hey rice picker!

by TWeaK April 10, 2005

4👍 94👎