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Fear of the actor Tony Danza.

I went to the psychiatrist about tonydanzaphobia

by TaYlOr March 5, 2005

20πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A German American Princess a bratty girl who ask there daddy for everything and gets it ,a brat who is of german descent but was born in the usa and has a american citzenship, can be seen driving a expensive german car like a porsche, They usally wear there hair in a loose braid, are fans of Marc Jacbos and Coach, Wear overly priced colthing and corsett tops love 5 inch heels, Drink under age

Omg!! She brougt a porsche to drivers ed what a Gap

by TaYlOr June 20, 2006

21πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


a boy who is oh so cute but knows hes cute and thinks hes black...but you gotta love him...

ehh negative that boy is so jarius

by TaYlOr January 7, 2005

115πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž


To steal/rob off with something or somewhere

Bullet Tooth Tony: "Someone blagged bricktops bookies last night"
Random American Wanker: "Tony, for christs sake you invented the language, speak english"
Bullet Tooth Tony: "Blagged, means robbed innit"
from Snatch

by TaYlOr January 24, 2005

27πŸ‘ 79πŸ‘Ž

Hexy Naw

very excited; or something that you like alot; something tight

Hexy Naw, them new jordans is sweet

by TaYlOr November 25, 2003

3πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Oooh Nooo

That looks nasty; or that persons face is nasty.

"Hey, Kevin wanna talk 2 you", Oooh Nooo

by TaYlOr November 25, 2003

16πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


a public, online journal.

i write in my lj everyday.

she has some interesting pictures on her lj.

by TaYlOr March 21, 2003

119πŸ‘ 78πŸ‘Ž