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The “G” Word

Shortened form for “Gringo”, term mainly used by hispanic people in a derogative manner in order to identify a person that comes or could also live in the U.S. without the need of being born there.

The word “Gringo”, between hispanic social circles, is more frequently used by working class individuals in a way to ridiculize Americans and make them see as holders of a series of characteristics:

1. Flamboyant
2. Not used or capable to hustle
3. Nihilist
4. In general, not “woke” or “aligned” with the real world.

Worth mentioning, that in social interactions between mixed groups (Mainly Hispanic & White), the term is used in a very stealthy and manipulative way.

Juan: Homie, John’s such a pussy, dunno how he got that Double R...

José: Mi hermano, lil Gringo doesn’t even know how to clean his pants.

Gonzalo: Papi suave with The “G” Word, John has been around...

Knock knock

John walks in

John: Gentlemen, good evening

Juan, José & Gonzalo: Good evening Boss!!!

by TacoMuncher3000 July 25, 2022