Kyes are some of the most handsome guys ever. They dye their hair a lot, and are over all adorable. No matter who you are, you want a Kye in your life. Once you start liking him, it's hard to stop, and it's hard to not like him. He will give you butterflies every time you see him, no matter how prepared you are for it. Kyes have beautiful blue eyes and usually don't know their own beauty. You will have the strongest crush of your life on a Kyr, and it will last a surprising amount of time. You'll always want to kiss him softly, hold his hand, hug him, and play with his hair, even though you know you can't. You will like him before you really even become friends, so be prepared. Consistent daydreams about him are also frequent. While with a kye, your heart will break because she isn't yours while you have butterflies because you're near him. You can't ask a kye for a hug, you have to wait for a kye to ask you. Kye won't want you to pay for things or give them your jackets, but do it anyway. Kyes deserve it all and more
Have you seen Kye?? Hes so hot
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