Source Code


An incredibly annoying made-up 'seller' or 'buyer' grade used by eBayers. Also A+++++++++ or A++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ or anything in between.

dis buyers grate A++++++++++++++++++

by TaintedMustard September 23, 2004

101👍 43👎

tactical facepalm

tactical facepalm (tak-ti-kuhl feys-pahm)


1. A maneuver performed by a unit of Internet denizens in response to an overwhelming onslaught of ignorance. The maneuver involves each member of the unit performing a standard facepalm in unison. Executed properly, the tactical facepalm is the only known defense against spontaneous cerebrofulmination—also known as "exploding head syndrome" (EHS)—resulting from exposure to extreme stupidity.

Earnest idiot: Africans were wholly responsible for slavery in the European world. Whites only bought what African slavers were offering. They're completely innocent!

Forum dweller CO: Squad, initiate tactical facepalm!

Forum dwellers: Sir, yes, sir! *facepalm*

Forum dweller XO: EHS averted, sir!

by TaintedMustard October 17, 2009

183👍 41👎

you owe

UO, Ultima Online, one of the first truly successful MMORPGs.

Tim stopped playing You Owe because he could no longer pwn newbs as they stepped outside the guard zone on their first day of playing.

by TaintedMustard September 25, 2004

10👍 13👎


U.S. military Vietnam War slang. "To run (away)", to withdraw from one's current position. Borrowed from the Vietnamese language.

The gooks're all over us! Let's didi, man!

by TaintedMustard July 12, 2010

64👍 22👎


Verb: In any type of gaming, when a powerful NPC, monster or a gamemaster destroys a player with a single attack, often without giving the player a chance to defend themself.

The Ancient Wyrm one-hit him with its flame breath before it was even on-screen.

by TaintedMustard September 25, 2004

14👍 9👎

Section Eight

A U.S. Army discharge based on military assessment of psychological unfitness or character traits deemed undesirable.

The slang: A soldier given such a discharge or behaving as if deserving such a discharge.

Lastweek he was sent down to Da Nang to see the Navy head shrinker, and the crazyfucker starts jerking off in the waiting room. Instant Section Eight. He was just waiting for his papers to clear
division. - Full Metal Jacket

by TaintedMustard September 12, 2004

53👍 4👎

Ultima Online

A very popular MMORPG that maintains a playerbase of whiners, eBay gods, arti whores, pwners, pee kay ers and other such assorted players who are fed up with the game but refuse to quit and instead do everything in their power to ruin the gaming experience of everyone they possibly can.

Despite the fact everyone who plays Ultima Online hates it, it's still an extremely popular MMORPG, because most of these people have moronically invested hundreds of dollars in in-game items on eBay.

by TaintedMustard September 25, 2004

70👍 31👎